Adopt-a-School Foundation and its partners go Back to School for Mandela Day.
Adopt-a-School Foundation celebrates 20 years of building an inclusive society through education. Adopt-a-School, a partner entity of the Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation, prides itself on implementing its Whole School Development model, a sustainable and innovative model that supports over 600 schools across the country. In addition to implementing the Whole School Development model, the Foundation hosts events that enable partners to take action and inspire change. Back to School for Mandela Day is one such event, a day of corporate, collective volunteerism and active citizenship. This prominent event has continued to grow from strength to impact and it is with great excitement that the Foundation host its twelfth Back to School for Mandela Day initiative.
In celebration of its 20th anniversary and Mandela Day initiative, Adopt-a-School Foundation has launched an exciting school shoe campaign to provide urgent and necessary shoes and resources to its learners across the country. The Foundation has entered into a campaign partnership with Bathu, a locally grown and international renowned sneaker brand to champion this school shoe campaign. In addition to the school shoe drive, the Foundation is hosting a collective volunteer day filled with various activities at a Primary School in Soweto. These activities are volunteer-based activities that have been developed to encompass the Foundation’s Whole School Development model, which includes infrastructure development, curriculum delivery and social welfare.
The Foundation’s supporters and partners have rallied to support the school through incredible commitments. AngloGold Ashanti has committed to supporting large-scale infrastructure development at the school, with Mandela Day signaling the start of much-needed renovations at the school. Bathu, the campaign partner, have rallied to donate 100 school shoes and care packs to learners, which will be handed out on the day.
In addition, some of the Foundation’s longest supporters, including Royal Haskoning DHV, Merafe Resources, Tamela Capital, Trust Blu Foundation (Blue Label Telecoms), Aspen Pharmacare and Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation, have all funded shoe and activity packages. Through these packages, over 800 school shoes have been funded and will be distributed to schools across the country. This campaign received invaluable support from a range of partners who have donated food, building supplies, eyesight testing and spectacles and a host of services, which allows for a far greater impact within the school; these include McDonald’s, Cashbuild, Build It, Promac Paints, Premier Optical, Chairman’s Furniture, ChairClub, Black Umbrellas, Lucky Star and author Nicolette Mashile.
Steven Lebere, Adopt-a-School Foundations’ Chief Executive Officer, said: “Back to School for a Day extends beyond just an annual day of action; it encourages citizens to become involved in improving education on a sustained basis. This day will help improve the physical environments where children learn, grow and develop to reach their full potential. Whether it’s painting the walls, planting food gardens or fixing broken furniture – this day is about rolling up our sleeves and lending a hand to make a difference. Investing in young children is crucial for our country; through collaboration and a collective effort, every child can be afforded equal opportunity for a brighter future.”
Bathu, meaning shoes in Kasi slang, is an African sneaker brand founded in 2015 whose prime objective is to ignite hope and create sustainable jobs. Through the Bathu Care Project, the brand plans on donating one million school shoes to underprivileged children in the country.
Cedrick Diphoko, Bathu’s Managing Director, said: “The Bathu Care Project is our way of giving back to the communities in the best way possible. Our slogan is “Walk Your Journey” and with this we intend on assisting the kids at Qhobosheane Primary continue to walk their journeys. We have to-date donated approximately 50 000 pairs of shoes with a goal of 1 million donated school shoes to kids nationwide in 10 years.”
The day will begin with eye testing. Volunteer activities include renovating Grade R and foundation phase classrooms and creating a vegetable garden to provide fresh food to the learners through the school’s feeding scheme. Further, there will be library and classroom resourcing, packing of school shoes and food packs. Additionally, Orphaned and Vulnerable Children will be provided with food packs to take home, and McDonald’s will cater for all guests, learners and school staff on the day. To get involved and for more details about the Adopt-a School Foundation’s campaign and work, visit www.adoptaschool.org.za