With continued reports highlighting how the girl child misses school during her monthly period due to a lack of access to sanitary towels, KST in partnership with the Free State Department of Education hosted 2 dignity days (one in each district). The Dignity Days focused on Grade 5 -7 girls and boys and were hosted on July 29th (Fezile Dabi) and August 5th (Motheo). The following schools took part in the programme:
- Boiteko Primary School
- Moepeng Primary School
- Ntha Primary School
- Phomolong Primary School
- Seeiso Primary School
- Emang Primary School
A total of 694 girls and 737 boys participated in the initiative and KST hopes to expand the reach to more schools in 2018. The initiative aimed at ensuring access to much-needed sanitary towels for girls (sponsored by Mimi Women) and deodorant and bath soap for boys. Local nurses and community youth were invited to take part in the discussions and share their own lives and experiences with dignity and all that it entailed: self-respect, ambition, hard work and a feeling of accomplishment.
If you would like to get involved and help support more Dignity Days, get in touch today!